ES 5th Annual Clean Up Weekend, April 20, 10 AM-Noon

Saturday, April 20 – 10 AM-12 noon, at the Clubhouse

Rain Date: Sunday, April 21 – 10 AM-12 noon, at the Clubhouse

Help keep our East Stratford neighborhood beautiful! Join neighbors in caring for our community this weekend in 3 easy steps:

  1. Sign up here to pick up trash in our community:


  1. Meet at the Clubhouse at 10 AMon Saturday, April 20 to get supplies (safety vest, pick up sticks, bags, gloves).


  1. Return your supplies to the Clubhouse when you are done, or by 12 noon.


LEADERSHIP: McKinley, a young East Stratford resident, launched a Lake Clean Up in 2019. The event grew into a Clean Up for our entire community in 2020 with help from our active neighborhood.

Each year McKinley leads the neighborhood in taking care of our land. Watch her video about WHY we do this clean up every year and how YOU can make a difference:


RESOURCES: Chad Green, another very helpful East Stratford neighbor, is a leader for Keep Loudoun Beautiful. Chad and his family organize all the equipment needed to help keep East Stratford Beautiful and generously donate their time to support this event.

Thank you, Chad and McKinley, for leading this East Stratford Clean Up every year.  We appreciate you!


Hosted by the East Stratford Social Committee

Questions? Email us at

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