ES Clean Up Saturday, April 24, 10 AM -12 PM

Our annual Lake Clean Up has expanded in 2021! Sign up to work together to clean up all areas in our community.

Registration is required for us to cover all the community needs.Register here.


Keep East Stratford looking beautiful! We’ll all go outside and clean up the trash that blows around in the winds of Leesburg.


McKinley, a young East Stratford neighbor, launched a Lake Clean Up in 2019. Please join in and our neighbors in cleaning up our entire neighborhood this year. Watch her inspiring 2020 video about celebrating Earth Day: and stay tuned for her 2021 edition!


Chad Green, another very helpful East Stratford neighbors, is a leader for Keep Loudoun Beautiful. He has supplies to share with us for the event: bags, gloves, vests and pick up sticks. Register on SignUpGenius and you will be contacted with instructions on receiving and returning your supplies.

Thank you Chad and McKinley for leading this East Stratford Clean Up!

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