More Window Walks
Tuesdays through the week
Residents love seeing your art in the windows as we walk outside more frequently during social distancing days!
People of all ages are invited to hang our weekly themes where people can see from the sidewalks. Draw, paint, cut them from magazines, or try a new art medium each week.
Please hang them on Tuesdays and keep the art posted for the week, or at least until Friday. Families will want several days for Window Walks in each section of our community. Do be mindful to keep a social distance of 6 feet as you walk the neighborhood!
Tuesday, May 12: Teddy Bears (art or a stuffed animal)
Tuesday, May 19: Candy Land (candy & ice cream)
Tuesday, May 26: Imaginary Creatures
Tuesday, June 2: Free Style Art (show us your best, boldest stuff)
Tuesday, June 9: Hearts (again, as we plan for stay-home days to conclude)