Join our Earth Day efforts to recycle by donating usable items to a good cause. (Registration Only)
The Social Committee has organized a pickup day for East Stratford. Green Drop will pick up allowed items at pre-registered homes to donate to The Purple Heart Foundation.
- To Register: email your name and address to [email protected] asap, deadline is Friday, April 16. Your address will be given to Green Drop but not made public in any way.
- Acceptable Items must be left in SEALED BOXES or SEALED BAGS at your curb before 7am on Thursday, April 22 with labels that say PURPLE HEART.
- In 2019 Green Drop arrived here at 6:59 AM, but could come by as late at 7 PM.
- Green Drop will leave a tax-deduction receipt at your door when they pick up.
- Not all items are Acceptable! Read the list of Acceptable Items here:
- Some items are really NOT Acceptable and will be left on your curb. Read the list of Unacceptable Items here:
- You are responsible for removing any items from your yard that are not accepted during Donation Day within 24 hours. Contact Leesburg trash services for bulk pick up needs at (703) 771-6677.
This event has been organized by the East Stratford Social Committee.
Contact us at [email protected] with any questions.