Hose Down
Saturday, July 16
1 -2:30 pm
Clubhouse lot
Ashburn Fire and Rescue Station is back to host a free Hose Down at the clubhouse! Kids of all ages love running through the water as the fire hose sprays through the parking lot! ashburnfirerescue.org
Bring a towel and appropriate shoes for playing in the wet parking lot. Popsicles will be provided by the Social Committee. No RSVP required, guests are welcome, stop by any time.
Families are encouraged to “fill the fire boot” with donations to thank you our local heroes for this gift of time.
**Note: The entire pool parking lot will be completely closed from 6am until the fire engine departs for the safety of children and vehicles.
Please give a big thanks to fellow resident and volunteer firefighter, Corey Merdler, who has coordinated this community event for East Stratford!
Hosted by the Social Committee
By registering and participating in an event you acknowledge that you will:
- Not attend with symptoms of COVID-19, or if any member of your household is experiencing symptoms or in a quarantine time for exposure. Use this site as a screening tool for your attendance: cdc.gov/screening/index.html
- Maintain social distancing with people outside of your household.
- Discuss the risks of COVID-19 with persons under your supervision and steps to take to help reduce those risks and to reduce the spread of the virus as recommended by the U.S. CDC.
- Wear a mask at events according to CDC guidelines: vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/protect-yourself/masks
- View the current COVID-19 Community Level by county at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-by-county.html
Please use your best judgement when deciding if attending events is the right choice for your family during the COVID-19 pandemic. The East Stratford Residential Community Association will offer events utilizing guidelines from the State of Virginia, Virginia Department of Health, and CDC.
While the East Stratford Residential Community Association has implemented certain operating measures for in-person events to attempt to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, the Association cannot provide a virus-free Facility nor can they provide any guarantee or other assurance that you (or your family members and guests) will not become infected with COVID-19. Your participation in activities could increase your risk of contracting COVID-19.