Due to past shortfalls with achieving quorum and in an attempt to make it convenient for residents to attend the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors for all three East Stratford Associations have voted to hold the 2018 Annual Meeting of each Association on the same night, March 26, 2018, at staggered times. Below please find which you belong for attendance at the Annual Meeting.
East Stratford Phase C&D Homeowners Association, Inc.
Registration for the 2018 Annual Meeting for the C&D Association will begin promptly at 6:00 PM. Call To Order for this meeting will be at 6:15 PM.
Residential Community Association
Registration for the 2018 Annual Meeting for the Residential Community Association will begin promptly at 6:35 PM. Call To Order for this meeting will be at 6:45 PM.
East Stratford Phase A&B Homeowners Association, Inc.
Registration for the 2018 Annual Meeting for the A&B Association will begin promptly at 7:05 PM Call To Order for this meeting will be at 7:15 PM Association, East Stratford Phase A&B must reach a quorum of 10% (20 homes) in order to hold this meeting.
We appreciate your cooperation in this mutual effort to ensure that quorum is achieved in all East Stratford annual meetings this year.