Yes. Members of the BOD have met with the Town of Leesburg Traffic Control manager, Calvin Grow, on multiple occasions:
1. He came out at the HOA request to look at Burnell near where the bus stop is (Burnell/Jennings Ct) and installed no parking signs as the street parking represented a danger to the children and parents.
2. He came again and offered an option to provide permit parking on one or more Town streets in the neighborhood.
Criteria/Process: A survey of residents on a particular block would need to be taken by the residents as to whether or not they would want that. All residents on the block would have to agree to the permit parking. The residents would present the survey to the Town for review. Staff from the town would go to that street and survey at various times of the day to see if there was the required percentage (75%) of cars parked on the street to warrant a permit provision. The town staff would make a recommendation to the town council who will approve or deny the permit parking.
Community residents are encouraged to contact the Town for further information and assistance about public street parking.