Day: September 20, 2024

Attention East Stratford C&D Residents:

C&D Parking Application

Residential Quarterly Rental Parking Program

Each quarter the HOA Board of Directors allocates several visitor spaces within Section C of the community (the townhomes – Baish, Rusert, Ebaugh Drives) for rental by homeowners. HOA members in good standing can apply for a hangtag that authorizes them to park in any open visitor space throughout the quarter. Applications for the 4th quarter of 2024 (October – December) are due NO LATER THAN September 25, 2024. If you are already enrolled, you DO NOT need to resubmit a new application, as your prior application will automatically be resubmitted for consideration. If you are currently renting a space and are no longer interested in participating in the program, please let us know, as spaces are limited.

At this time the Board has voted unanimously to continue to allow a maximum of 15 spaces with the quarterly charge remaining at $175.00. If the amount of interested parties exceeds the 15 allocated spaces, the Board may reconsider the charge for the next quarter and all interested parties will be contacted regarding any additional increase to the cost. All hangtags are issued for a one-quarter period and are subject to a price adjustment in future quarters depending upon demand.

How It Works

The rental fees will be in addition to the regular HOA quarterly dues and are due at the same time as the quarterly HOA dues. Each homeowner who participates will be given a single hangtag to place on their rearview mirror. The hangtag will be valid for three (3) months and can be used as needed between the homeowner’s vehicles and guests. If a vehicle is displaying the current-quarter hangtag issued to the homeowner, the vehicle will not be towed from a visitor space, provided that the hangtag is readily visible through the windshield and that the homeowner and vehicle are in compliance with all other HOA rules, local ordinances and state law.

Homeowners will be able to park in any unused visitor parking spaces when displaying the hangtag. No specific visitor parking space will be assigned. Homeowners will be able to apply for a new hangtag/rental each quarter. Note, however, that the cost will be determined by the number of residents applying to participate in the program. The rental fee will be subject to change, as described below.

Under this program, only one (1) additional space will be available per home. The proposed rental charge will be finalized by the Board based upon the number of homeowners that apply for the spaces. If during a course of a quarter additional homeowners indicate an interest in renting a visitor parking space, the Board will consider the rental charge at the next quarterly meeting and raise the amount accordingly prior to issuing hangtags for the following quarter. The price will be to set in order to achieve maximum parking flexibility as houses are sold or growing families need additional space.

New hangtags will be issued each quarter and are only valid for that quarter, you MUST ensure you are using the current/valid hangtag during the appropriate quarter OR you may be towed. For example, if you are currently enrolled in the 3rd quarter (July – September) and reenroll for the 4th quarter (October – December) you MUST assure that you are using the proper hangtag within those date frames to avoid being towed, DO NOT replace the 3rd quarter hangtag with your 4th quarter hangtag until the start of the 4th quarter. The color/content will change from quarter to quarter and cannot be reused. In addition to potential cost increases, the Board may re-evaluate the number of visitor spaces assigned to residential rental and increase or decrease the spaces allocated as experience indicates. Revenue from the rentals will be deposited into the HOA common funds and will be factored into the annual budgeting process. In time, the extent of participation in the program should establish a fairly predictable rental charge.

This program will have no effect on the existing parking rules within the East Stratford C&D community. All existing HOA regulations will continue to be enforced, including the towing of second cars parked in driveways that are blocking a portion of the sidewalk.

Here is the application for a quarterly residential parking program. If you are interested in signing up for an additional parking space (one per household) for the 4th quarter of 2024 (October – December) please complete the attached form and submit it no later than September 25, 2024. Again, if you are already participating in the program, no additional application is necessary unless your information has changed or you wish to withdrawal your application.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Sequoia Management (703-803-9641), fax (703-968-0936), or email [email protected].

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