Author: Carly

The 2025 Annual Meetings for East Stratford are rapidly approaching. At this time the Board plans to hold the 2025 Annual meetings on March 11, 2025, at the community clubhouse, located at 301 Whipp Drive, Leesburg VA 20175. All three Association meetings will be held on March 11th at staggered times.

As a member of the Association, you may become a candidate for the elections. To become a candidate, your assessment payments must be current and if applicable any rules violation assessments/infraction should be resolved. We encourage all who have a sincere desire to serve your community to get involved.

As you are aware there are three Associations, each lot/owner is part of TWO Associations within the community.

  • East Stratford Residential (All owners are part of Residential)
  • East Stratford A&B – Shirley, Shadwell, Cagney, Duvall, Parkgate, Jennings
  • East Stratford C&D – Baish, Rusert, Ebaugh, Hanrahan, Morrisett, Whipp

Depending on the street in which your home is located determines if you are also part of A&B or C&D. If you are unsure which “sub-association” you belong to, please refer to the streets noted above or contact management to further assist.

Below are the details of each Association’s open board seats and nomination forms if you wish to submit your name for consideration and inclusion in the Annual Meeting mailings.

East Stratford Residential

There are TWO (2) positions on the East Stratford Residential Board of Directors up for election; both seats will be for three-year terms, and candidates are now being solicited.

Here is the Nomination Petition to be completed and returned to Sequoia Management Company, Inc., at the address listed below no later than Friday, February 14, 2025.

Please see below updates and reminders –

Oaklawn Data Center Public Hearing Reminder

As a reminder a public hearing is scheduled on January 28, 2025, at 7 PM at the Town Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 25 West Market Street, Leesburg VA 20176. All residents are encouraged to attend. Additional information is available by contacting the Town’s project manager, Christopher Murphy at [email protected]

Pond Safety Reminders

It had recently been brought to our attention that there are children who have been playing near and on the pond while frozen. The safety of our residents is a major concern for the Board of Directors and we would like to advise all parents that the pond is not safe for children to play on.

The pond is an important part of the community but can pose a grave danger to children including drowning and injury. Please relay to your children that this area is dangerous and to refrain from playing close to or on the pond.

If you see someone playing on the frozen pond, please contact the non-emergency Leesburg police directly at 703-771-4500 to file a report or dial 9-1-1 in the case of an emergency.

East Stratford C&D Reminders & Updates –

February 2025 Board of Directors Meeting – Rescheduled

Please be advised the East Stratford C&D Board of Directors meeting has been rescheduled to February 19, 2025 at 6:30 PM via ZOOM. If you wish to join the meeting, please contact Shannon Cook at [email protected] to obtain the login information. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

East Stratford A&B Reminders & Updates –

Exterior/Outdoor Lighting – Light Fixtures/Light Posts

During recent community reviews, we’ve noticed several homes have exterior lighting that needs attention – specifically light fixtures and posts that have been modified, have mis-matched fixtures, and those that are simply not working properly. The East Stratford A&B Design and Maintenance Standards (page 21) requires all exterior lighting to be uniform and in working order.

To help everyone prepare for the 2025 inspections, we’re asking homeowners to review their exterior lighting and make any necessary updates by March 31, 2025. Please take a moment to check your light fixtures and ensure they:

  • Fixture designs must match (lamppost fixture, stoop/porch fixture, garage fixtures)
  • Must function properly
  • Must have proper approvals for any modifications

If you need to replace your fixtures and cannot match the original design, please submit an architectural application to the Architectural Covenants Committee before making any changes. For those who have already modified their lighting without prior approval, please contact the management team to discuss next steps. These standards help maintain our community’s appearance and protect our property values. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your ongoing commitment to keeping our neighborhood beautiful.

Help Shape Our Community’s New Playground! – Volunteer Opportunity

Our East Stratford A&B playground equipment is scheduled for replacement in 2026, and we want your help in planning this exciting update! Based on recent community feedback from our playground survey, the Board is now forming a special committee to guide this important project. We’re seeking engaged residents to join our Playground Planning Committee. Committee members will:

  • Evaluate our current playground facilities
  • Research and recommend new equipment options
  • Help create a vision for this vital community space

This is your chance to directly influence one of our neighborhood’s most popular amenities. If you’d like to participate, please email Shannon Cook, [email protected] by January 31, 2025. Committee appointments will be made in February 2025 to begin the planning process.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to enhance our community for years to come!

Happy New Year East Stratford!  Please find 2025 updates & reminders below – 

2025 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule 

Please find below the 2025 Board of Directors meeting dates for East Stratford A&B, C&D & Residential.  
All meetings are held via ZOOM & begin at 6:30 PM. If you wish to obtain the login information, please contact Shannon Cook at [email protected] 
All are welcome and encouraged to attend. 

East Stratford Residential:

  • January 14, 2025
  • March 11, 2025 – Annual Meeting – In Person
  • March 25, 2025
  • May 27, 2025
  • July 22, 2025
  • September 23, 2025
  • November 25, 2025


East Stratford A&B:

  • February 11, 2025 
  • March 11, 2025 – Annual Meeting – In Person
  • April 22, 2025 
  • June 24, 2025
  • August 26, 2025
  • October 28, 2025
  • December TBD 


East Stratford C&D:

  • February 26, 2025 
  • March 11, 2025 – Annual Meeting – In Person
  • May 28, 2025
  • August 27, 2025
  • November TBD

Any changes to the scheduled meetings will be sent via email. 


URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Social Committee Volunteers Needed!

Our Community’s Future Events are at Risk!
Our cherished community traditions and social events for 2025 are in jeopardy!! Without new volunteers stepping forward, we face the reality of canceling beloved community gatherings that have brought our neighbors together for years.  Current Social Committee members are stepping down and they need to be replaced with new volunteers. The Board of Directors is making an urgent appeal for support. We are at a critical turning point, and without additional volunteers, we simply cannot sustain any events that make our community special.

Your involvement isn’t just helpful – it’s essential for preserving the vibrant community spirit we all value. Even a few hours of your time could make the difference between keeping or losing these important social traditions. Remember: Strong communities are built by people like you who step up when needed. The time to act is now! 

Don’t let 2025 become the year our community events disappear. Take action now by contacting Shannon to learn how to help us maintain the traditions that bring our neighbors together. (Shannon Cook at [email protected])

Community Clubhouse Rentals

The East Stratford Residential Community Clubhouse is available to book year-round!  Reservation requests must be made in advance, no later than ten (10) days prior of the event. Go to the East Stratford website for pictures. Click here to submit a reservation request.

Contact Shannon or Alexandra to schedule your next event!
Phone: 703-803-9641
Email:  [email protected] / [email protected]

Tree & Shrub Pruning Reminders 

Trees need regular pruning to prevent potential property damage or injuries caused by falling or dead branches. Homeowners are required to maintain trees and shrubs to avoid obstructions on sidewalks and roads for the safety of pedestrians and vehicles. Additionally, trees and shrubs obstructing community street signs or traffic safety signs must be pruned to ensure clear visibility. Visit the East Stratford website for a guide.

The Associations landscaping company, Premier Turf and Landscaping, is offering a 10% tree trimming & replacement/removal discount to all East Stratford residents. If you would like your trees trimmed or are considering any removals and/or replacements, please feel free to contact Premier directly to discuss pricing and details.  

Please call Premier’s office at 703-754-3326 and ask for Scott Trumble between the hours of 8 AM to 4 PM or by email [email protected]
NOTE: The Association would not be involved in this transaction; the contract would be between Premier and the homeowner. 

East Stratford C&D – Parking Committee Effort Updates

As part of our ongoing efforts to address parking concerns within the community, an Ad-Hoc Parking Committee, composed of volunteers from the neighborhood, convened in 2024. The committee’s purpose was to review and discuss potential amendments to current parking policies, explore alternative solutions, and revisit findings from previous parking committees and boards.

Recent efforts included attempts by the Association to negotiate additional parking with Stryker, which unfortunately were not successful. The Association also explored the possibility of opening the pool parking lot for general use; however, this proposal was similarly declined.

After reviewing past research, evaluating potential options, and considering the uncertainties surrounding the potential development of a nearby data center, both the Board and the Parking Committee have decided to pause further exploration of new parking solutions. At this time, the current parking policies will remain in place.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your management team.

East Stratford A&B – Playground Project – Volunteers Needed!

As part of the ongoing efforts to improve our community, the A&B Board recently distributed a survey to gather feedback from residents regarding possible replacement of the playground equipment. According to the current replacement reserve study, the existing equipment is scheduled for replacement in 2026.

In preparation for this project, the Board of Directors is forming an Ad-Hoc Committee to assess the current playground, explore options for new equipment, and provide replacement recommendations back to the Board. We are looking for volunteers to join this committee and contribute their insights and ideas. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Shannon Cook at [email protected] before January 20, 2025. The Board plans to appoint committee members in January 2025 so that we can begin the planning process. Thank you in advance for your interest in helping shape the future of our community’s playground!


For Immediate Release
December 10, 2024

Media Contact:
Kara Rodriguez, Public Information Officer
[email protected]

Public Hearing on Oaklawn Rezoning Application Deferred to January 28, 2025

Leesburg, VA (December 10, 2024) – At the applicant’s request, the public hearing on the Oaklawn rezoning application originally scheduled for December 10 has been deferred to the Council’s January 28, 2025, meeting.

More information on the applicant’s proposal for data center and affordable multifamily housing on separate land bays in Oaklawn can be found in the December 10 Council Agenda Report and online via the Leesburg Interactive Applications Map.

#  # #

Attention East Stratford Residents, 

Do you want to make a real impact in our community? Love bringing people together and creating memorable experiences? Then we need YOU on the Social Committee! 

After many years of hosting amazing events, our current committee members will be stepping down at the end of 2024. Without new volunteers, there won’t be any community events in 2025.

Why Should You Join?

  • Make a Difference: Help shape the future of our neighborhood.
  • Get Creative: Bring your ideas to life and plan those fun and meaningful events!
  • Build Community: Meet new people and strengthen connections within East Stratford.
  • Have Fun: Enjoy the thrill of organizing and attending exciting activities!

Volunteering with the Social Committee is your chance to contribute, connect with fellow residents, and help plan events that everyone will enjoy. Whether you want to lead an event, share ideas, or simply lend a hand, we’d love to have you! Volunteerism time commitments can range from 1 hour a month to 4-6 hours a month depending on the number of volunteers & the number of events planned. 

Ready to Get Started? Contact Shannon Cook at [email protected] to find out how you can help. Don’t wait—let’s work together to keep East Stratford vibrant and connected!

We’re excited to hear from you! Let’s make magic happen! 🎉


Attention East Stratford C&D Residents:

C&D Parking Application

Residential Quarterly Rental Parking Program

Each quarter the HOA Board of Directors allocates several visitor spaces within Section C of the community (the townhomes – Baish, Rusert, Ebaugh Drives) for rental by homeowners. HOA members in good standing can apply for a hangtag that authorizes them to park in any open visitor space throughout the quarter. Applications for the 4th quarter of 2024 (October – December) are due NO LATER THAN September 25, 2024. If you are already enrolled, you DO NOT need to resubmit a new application, as your prior application will automatically be resubmitted for consideration. If you are currently renting a space and are no longer interested in participating in the program, please let us know, as spaces are limited.

At this time the Board has voted unanimously to continue to allow a maximum of 15 spaces with the quarterly charge remaining at $175.00. If the amount of interested parties exceeds the 15 allocated spaces, the Board may reconsider the charge for the next quarter and all interested parties will be contacted regarding any additional increase to the cost. All hangtags are issued for a one-quarter period and are subject to a price adjustment in future quarters depending upon demand.

How It Works

The rental fees will be in addition to the regular HOA quarterly dues and are due at the same time as the quarterly HOA dues. Each homeowner who participates will be given a single hangtag to place on their rearview mirror. The hangtag will be valid for three (3) months and can be used as needed between the homeowner’s vehicles and guests. If a vehicle is displaying the current-quarter hangtag issued to the homeowner, the vehicle will not be towed from a visitor space, provided that the hangtag is readily visible through the windshield and that the homeowner and vehicle are in compliance with all other HOA rules, local ordinances and state law.

Homeowners will be able to park in any unused visitor parking spaces when displaying the hangtag. No specific visitor parking space will be assigned. Homeowners will be able to apply for a new hangtag/rental each quarter. Note, however, that the cost will be determined by the number of residents applying to participate in the program. The rental fee will be subject to change, as described below.

Under this program, only one (1) additional space will be available per home. The proposed rental charge will be finalized by the Board based upon the number of homeowners that apply for the spaces. If during a course of a quarter additional homeowners indicate an interest in renting a visitor parking space, the Board will consider the rental charge at the next quarterly meeting and raise the amount accordingly prior to issuing hangtags for the following quarter. The price will be to set in order to achieve maximum parking flexibility as houses are sold or growing families need additional space.

New hangtags will be issued each quarter and are only valid for that quarter, you MUST ensure you are using the current/valid hangtag during the appropriate quarter OR you may be towed. For example, if you are currently enrolled in the 3rd quarter (July – September) and reenroll for the 4th quarter (October – December) you MUST assure that you are using the proper hangtag within those date frames to avoid being towed, DO NOT replace the 3rd quarter hangtag with your 4th quarter hangtag until the start of the 4th quarter. The color/content will change from quarter to quarter and cannot be reused. In addition to potential cost increases, the Board may re-evaluate the number of visitor spaces assigned to residential rental and increase or decrease the spaces allocated as experience indicates. Revenue from the rentals will be deposited into the HOA common funds and will be factored into the annual budgeting process. In time, the extent of participation in the program should establish a fairly predictable rental charge.

This program will have no effect on the existing parking rules within the East Stratford C&D community. All existing HOA regulations will continue to be enforced, including the towing of second cars parked in driveways that are blocking a portion of the sidewalk.

Here is the application for a quarterly residential parking program. If you are interested in signing up for an additional parking space (one per household) for the 4th quarter of 2024 (October – December) please complete the attached form and submit it no later than September 25, 2024. Again, if you are already participating in the program, no additional application is necessary unless your information has changed or you wish to withdrawal your application.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Sequoia Management (703-803-9641), fax (703-968-0936), or email [email protected].


East Stratford Stencil Map, Phases A/B

Please be advised that the Board of Directors has contracted Battlefield Towing. re-stencil the reserved parking space numbers within the town home section of the community. This work will affect the entire community and have a major impact on parking. Please pay careful attention to the dates below on which you will be affected. This work has been scheduled to occur on the following dates below in the chart. Please see the map with details.

This process WILL REQUIRE residents to move their cars and remain off their streets on specific dates & times (see below for details). Please ensure you plan ahead and do not leave your vehicles parked in any spaces in impacted areas.. The schedule is as follows, but is subject to change due to weather, please stay tuned to the association website, for updates:


Marked by STARS
September 24, 2024,
RAIN DATE – September 25, 2024
No parking from

8 AM – 4 PM in ANY PARKING BAYS WITHIN THE YELLOW section, MARKED WITH STARS from 162-176 & 200- 275 Shirley Square.

Please remove vehicles by 8 AM on September 24, 2024, to allow for access to all areas.
You may park at the pool parking lot or non-impacted areas of the community not being worked on during your impact times. **THE POOL PARKING IS ONLY INTENDED FOR RESIDENTS FROM THE “A” SECTION – IF PARKING IN THE POOL LOT, YOU MUST DIPSPLAY YOUR PARKING HANGTAG**
Marked by X’s
September 26,2024
RAIN DATE – September 27, 2024
No parking from 8 AM- 4 PM in ANY PARKING BAYS WITHIN THE PINK section MARKED WITH X’S from 101 – 152 Shirley Square :& Near 101 Shadwell Terrace. Please remove vehicles by 8 AM on September 26, 2024, to allow for access to all areas.
You may park at the pool parking lot or non-impacted areas of the community not being worked on during your impact times.**THE POOL PARKING IS ONLY INTENDED FOR RESIDENTS FROM THE “A” SECTION – IF PARKING IN THE POOL LOT, YOU MUST DIPSPLAY YOUR PARKING HANGTAG**





Please contact Shannon Cook at Sequoia Management, (703) 803-9641 OR via email at [email protected], if you have any questions.

Attention All Residents, 

Please be advised that Keane Enterprises, the developer of Oaklawn, has scheduled a follow-up meeting at the community clubhouse on August 20th at 6:30 PM 

The representatives have stated the purpose of the meeting is to address several important concerns previously raised. 
All are encouraged and welcome to attend. 

Questions should be directed to Andy Shuckra at [email protected]

Thank You. 

Please be advised that the East Stratford Residential Board of Directors has contracted with Dominion Paving to conduct repairs to the asphalt trails & crack sealing, sealcoating & pavement markings at the clubhouse/pool parking lot.

Please pay careful attention to the below dates and times impacting the community. There will be minimal impacts during this project however, the trail & pool/clubhouse parking lot WILL BE CLOSED, in accordance with the below schedule.

The schedule is as follows, but is subject to change due to inclement weather, any changes will be sent out via email blast, as available. VIEW DETAILS


Dates Traffic/Parking Information
Phase 1
Asphalt Trail RepairsTuesday, June 18 &
Wednesday, June 19,2024
Beginning at 7 AM, Dominion Paving will be doing asphalt trail repairs. The trail will be closed to pedestrian traffic on June 18 and June 19, 2024. The trails are expected to re-open on June 20, 2024.
Phase 2
Crack fill Trails and Clubhouse/Pool Parking LotMonday June 24 &
Tuesday June 25, 2024
Beginning at 7 AM, Dominion Paving will be doing repairs to the clubhouse/pool parking lot and trails. The clubhouse/pool parking lot will be CLOSED on these days
Phase 3
Clubhouse/Pool LotThursday, June 27, 2024
Beginning at 7 AM, Dominion Paving will be sealcoating & restriping the clubhouse/pool parking lot. The clubhouse/pool parking lot will be CLOSED for the day, and will re-open on June 28, 2024


Please contact Shannon Cook at Sequoia Management at [email protected] or [email protected] OR call 703-803-9641, if you have any questions or concerns related to this project.

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